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Cherry Blossoms Watercolor Painting

Just a week ago, I decided to dedicate my Sunday afternoons to do watercolor painting. I've always wanted to have a routine that I will stick with. I already have some supplies on hand - watercolor paints, brushes, and papers... To be honest, my art supplies have been sitting in my bookshelf for more than a year now and my cheap watercolor papers have already gone bad. So I am using a textured paper called Old Mill 250gsm since I have a lot left from my previous work. Note to self: "Make do of what you have."

This afternoon, I painted cherry blossoms also known as sakura. It's a dream to visit Japan and see the lovely cherry blossoms with my naked eyes. Someday, when there's no more pandemic and it's safe to travel. For now, I'll be content to browse Pinterest, appreciate its beauty, and translate it into painting.

Here's the full photo of my painting this afternoon. Ta-da! Though I made mistakes here and there on this one, I feel great about it... I want to paint more!

I setup a ko-fi account where you can send some donations to support my art journey. My current goal is to have funding to buy new watercolor papers. The link is Thank you very much for your support! *_*
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[name=Glaiza Legaspi Art] [img=] [description=My interests range from arts to food. I am also interested in Japanese traditional crafts, cats, and swimming. I have a Persian cat named Kerri, who is my inspiration in the comic series that I am working on called The Life of Kerri-chan.] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (pinterest=

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