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Artists' Project Collaboration

Commissioned artwork by GlaizaLegaspiArt

This is the second graphic illustration that I did for Creativitink. It shows how different kinds of artist collaborate to realize an idea or a project. It shows how writers, editors, illustrators, photographers, voice actors, sound engineers, and project manager work together to complete their own tasks and meet their deadlines to launch a project - could be a book, manga, or film animation.

But what if you are a freelance artist who doesn't belong to an agency? How do you meet other creatives who can work with your project or idea? Creativitink is a platform to make that happen, to make project collaboration with your fellow creatives possible. The platform is currently in the works but you can sign up and be and early adopter! Visit [no-sidebar]
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Can't Move in this Outfit | TLOKC

The rainy weather has started in the Philippines and although we don't usually go out for walks, I thought it would be nice to dress up Kerri (once in a while). So I browsed on an online marketplace to look for cute outfits for cats. It's funny seeing different costumes like nurse, sailor, pirate, etc. Though it would be fun, I opted for something simple - a hoodie! I tried it on Kerri as soon as it arrived and although there was no resistance, I noticed that she doesn't want to move. Haha. I guess it was a bit restraining and uncomfortable for her. Poor kitty. So we just took some photos and undress her.

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[name=Glaiza Legaspi Art] [img=] [description=My interests range from arts to food. I am also interested in Japanese traditional crafts, cats, and swimming. I have a Persian cat named Kerri, who is my inspiration in the comic series that I am working on called The Life of Kerri-chan.] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (pinterest=

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